Qualified Dataset: A Dataset that has the additional benefit of an italicized caveat at the bottom of the data source. A dataset that has the credentials to data. Quality: adj. Denoting a superior nature. Better than most. Unattainable. Query: Question posed to a database. Quick: Opposite of the dead. Anything, therefore, that is not dead, is quick. QWERTY: Further proof that […]


Password: password  Favorite pet, children’s birthdates, or last movie reference you remember. For a list of your co-worker’s passwords, just look at her sticky-notes on her monitor. Partial Class: Classless by half. Pattern: Nervous habit typified by repetitive actions. Persistence Layer: The magician’s hat where programmers reach in and data come out. Where old data […]


Object: n. abstract representation of a physical entity. v. first reaction to any management suggestion. The lowest hierarchical application structure in an object-oriented language that can stand up and say, I instantiate! The first O in Oh-oh. Object Orientation: The predictable result of choosing a language that requires everything to be an object. When all you have […]


n-Tier: A confusing design guaranteed to require more resources. Over-engineered by reducing the problem to its meaningless parts. Non Disclosure Agreement: Big red flag that a company thinks it has found a new way to do business, like the Dot Com Startups, or Enron. Non-Trivial: This is going to be really expensive. Normalization: The work necessary […]


MVC: Model-View-Controller… which is wrong because it is rightly Model-Controller-View. A study of separation in systems that don’t do anything if you separate them. See n-Tier MVVM: Model-View-View-Model… which is also wrong because it is rightly View Model-View Model. The new way to say MVC. Wiring the UI to the Model in a way that its persistent […]