Generic: In pharmaceuticals, a less-expensive copy of a name-brand drug that does almost what the name-brand drug does. In programming, a less-expensive copy of a typed method that does almost what the typed method does. GIGO: The Alimentary Law of Systems and Automation. What goes in comes out. Interpretation is another thing. Garbage in. Garbage […]
Category: AAHYWEH
Failover: New job. Feature: A planned bug. Fanboi Ad-hoc cheerleader, substituting unsubstantiated internet bench-tests for pompons during exhibitions of enthusiastic support for whatever platform, product, tool, or framework is specifically excluded from their current environment. Advocate of any cool new technology because it makes the advocate seem cool by affiliation. Devotee, often of one particular […]
Easy: The term that means “I’m going to let another developer take this one. Electronic Data Interchange (E.D.I.): Utopian nightmare for those confused by order-taking. A way of turning a simple profit into a complicated expense. Elegant Design: Having avoided all attempts at formal design to the end that it runs and is maintainable. Emulator: Rich […]
Data: The combined aggregate of electronic flotsam and jetsom accumulated over many years that must now be correctly interpreted, properly cataloged, expertly formatted, sorted, sifted, filtered, and perfectly presented in order to provide executives and managers cover when forced to make decisions. Data is the plural of datum. Datum means point in the Greek. However, Data are usually pointless. Data Model: Emaciated and […]
C++: The weapon of choice for arrogant programmers when selecting their method of self-destruction. C#: A programming language used by bad programmers to convey legitimacy to bad .NET programs. Casting: Selecting actors to play parts in a movie or play. Swinging a long pole, wildly, in a choreographed exercise intended to outwit fish. Assigning a […]