Agile! Leave them kids alone!

This Dainty’s Not for You The Agile Manifesto was written by software developers for software development projects. The 12 principles of the agile manifesto each specifically deal with software development and software developers. None of the values or principles require management or any other role in a corporate organization. Indeed, every value and every principle […]

The Hour Mill

I’ve been working in Navision… Attain… NAV… Business Central (whatever they called themselves) since 1998. It’s been a ride. From the Beginning When I first joined the community as a green (but certified) CA/L developer, I was told by the Solution Center owner how the partners ran their successful businesses. (This was long before Microsoft […]

Breaking it Down

First Principles The fundamental presuppositions for a system. Rules that are self-evident or axiomatic. The smallest facet of knowledge or logic, regarding a single system, that cannot be further divided. A way of analyzing and learning by starting at the very beginning and building knowledge from the foundation. A system of categorization where building blocks […]

Library – Utility Procedures

Library – Utility Procedures

The test library includes a codeunit named Library – Utility: Codeunit 131000. This documentation lists the functions, their parameters and return values. This list should provide some information useful for creating test functions. Only the code can provide the full description of each function, but this reference should be sufficient for most uses. CreateNoSeries Paramters […]