- Unified Modeling Language. A cacophony of competing terms.
- A graphical method for writing code that is, astonishingly, even more cryptic than the code itself.
- A language in the same sense that hieroglyphics or Meso-American script are languages: difficult to write, impossible to translate, tedious to interpret.
- Skill requirement for any programming position on any project where the project manager is already in trouble.
Unintended Consequence:
- The way the user eventually employs any program.
- Getting retained to maintain your own programs.
Unit Test:
- A dogmatic method of testing at the most granular coding level in such a way that guarantees validation by relying on known data ranges and functional boundaries; and never testing beyond those.
- Substitute for meticulous design.
- Marvelous opportunity to rewrite many sections of your code for free after being surprised by the creativity of your users in their ability to do the unexpected.
Four-letter word.
Use Case:
- A proposed state of the machine where a single user in a single state executes a single act.
- The last time logic will be seen or applied during development.
- What the engineer hears when the clerk describes each tedious physical step taken to do a simple job during the requirements analysis portion of the design.
- What remains when all human imprecision is removed from a User Story.
User Story:
- A rambling and disjointed fable — told by someone who does not understand the situation, that, in the telling, crosses at least three physical, logical, and spiritual domains — where the programmer must write the moral.
- An artificial construct, originally invented to draw the business stakeholder into the technical process, but has turned like a snake and traps the skilled in an uncomfortable world of imprecision, where the technical experts remain mired in a haze of indistinct thought and the business stakeholder complains of lack of progress.
- Actors and Stories: perhaps theatre majors snuck into another aspect of application design.
- A series of steps, available in the program, for which no exception handling has been written, which terminates with core dump every time it’s tried.
- Any web service which has been deprecated by code merge.
- The state of your contract project since the events of the most recent board meeting.
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